Customer service
Hey, this is Mike
Let me know if you need any assistance
in Wordpress Themes by cscalenetworks (200 points)
I have been contacting support all day today. I had a problem with the footer which for the most part was resolved. However, now I'm having aproblem where the links in my content and the links in the footer which are not in the predefined lines of text provided by the program are not changing colors, even though I have explicitly gone through and defined Them in the links  category in the top menu that comes up when you highlight some words.

Every time I have to go through support and you don't properly get back to me within half a day, I lose valuable time in my business and potentially a lot of money. I don't mind waiting hours for you to tell me that you have forwarded my request to the developers. However, when I wait a whole working day and nothing seems to have been done to initiate solving my problem, I get very upset.

My clients are depending on me to deliver their work to them in a timely manner and something seems to always be coming up and preventing me from doing that. I am not one to bash companies so that is not what this is, but  I want to make it extremely clear how I feel.

I am physically disabled and cannot physically code websites so, this program is all I have the ability to use. I would really appreciate it if someone could respond to my latest problem and figure out a solution as soon as possible because I cannot deliver a project that is not 100% complete..

I'm not able to promote my company at this time because I cannot have dozens of people upset with me.So I'm pleading for the most stable version of the software ASAP so I can flourish in my business


Kind regards,

Cassandra Saunders

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

TemplateToaster provides an option to apply/modify color on links inserted within hyperlinks by double-clicking them. For more details please follow the steps provided below.

Go to TemplateToaster -> Double-click the content to edit -> Select the text you want to apply color -> Editor tab will open at the top -> select color/modify blue color to your required color from the fonts section from the top editor tab.

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