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in Wordpress Themes by

With version

- Is it possible to display the breadcrumbs ABOVE the post title in a post (like it was before?). Now it is displayed under the post title, which is a bit odd to me
- Could you display the keyboard shortcuts somewhere in the TT interface (in the menus for example), since I just incidentally discovered that CTRL+E exports the template (quite handy by the way)
- Please add more options to style the comments. Right now I have to style them by using custom CSS everywhere
- Regarding custom CSS: despite the addition of a dedicated CSS editor, the process of fine tuning the CSS is really cumbersome. Right now it\'s : Go to Preferences -> Click the small \"Edit\" button -> Enlarge the CSS window (since it\'s still quite small when you begin to have a good CSS customization) -> Modify the CSS code -> Click the tiny \"Save\" icon at the top -> Close the window -> Click the (small) \"Close\" button -> Then export.
This is quite cumbersome when you do some CSS fine tuning. It should be more straightforward, and having a \"Custom CSS\" entry in the main menu would help. Also, I\'m not sure that the process of having to \"Save\" the CSS code in the editor is very intuitive, and \"OK\" / \"Cancel\" buttons would be clearer in the editor window.

Thank you for reading! :)

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