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in Wordpress Themes by tomidjah (160 points)
I've been looking to import images into TT, where it has other images, and I don't see where I can explore my hard disk. I'd appreciate the help. I know I saw in a review that you can do it, there must be a way.

6 Answers

by sarah (15.2k points)

You can add images in TemplateToaster Gallery by following given step:

TemplateToaster -> Page -> Image -> More -> Click on Image radiobutton -> Browse -> Open -> Select the image -> Done.

Then a dialog box will open asking "Do you want to add this in Gallery", click on yes.
It will be there.
by tomidjah (160 points)
I figured that out already :) Thanks Sara... they ought to have it 1 step instead of two, and say "open file"
by grech1917 (780 points)
Following on from this...how do I import a slide-show of images?
by grech1917 (780 points)
[quote=\"grech1917\"]Following on from this...how do I import a slide-show of images?[/quote]

Bumping my question
Following on from this...how do I import a slide-show of images?

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Following on from this...how do I import a slide-show of images?


Procedure is same as suggested above by Sarah, you can see the attached screenshot for more details.

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