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in Wordpress Themes by oneillrj (120 points)
Like in the WordPress Hestia theme I would like to connect a menu item to a section of the Home page.

And as an aside, is there any documentation which offers better descriptions. Pictures and pointers are fine but the documentation lacks How to section

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

Please provide any reference Website so that we can check and guide you accordingly.

by oneillrj (120 points)
if you look at the Hestia theme 'still in process' at www.aeroscanm5.com, look at the menu and look at the sections on the 'one page' theme. The menu items will direct the viewer to a section of the page rather than take them to another page. While multiple pages is OK I would rather use a one page theme if I can. I began using Template Toaster in hopes that I could duplicate this behavior and add some other features that would help me complete the vision I have for this site.

So far I have had no luck and have not been able to locate any help via Google.

If you can help me locate a way to connect a menu item to a section of a page on a one page Template Toaster theme I would appreciate it. I have been building themes from scratch in hopes of being able to accomplish this.

Looking at the published documentation has not offered any guidance with this either.

Thanks for your help
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