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in Wordpress Themes by sarhad12gmail-com (180 points)

templateToaster_TT-7theme-0093/menulogo.png  logo clicakble and redirectes to template toaster site not mine how can i change this thanks.. 

3 Answers

by iceferret (3.3k points)
click on the logo in the design window. At the top left of the main menu should be  'add/edit link '  click this.
by sarhad12gmail-com (180 points)
but you cant edit or save it on free trial
by sarhad12gmail-com (180 points)
This feature is not available in running editing. switch to some higher edition
by sarhad12gmail-com (180 points)
the theme is full of watermark like this and its not even like orignal theme what the hell free should mean free why the hassle?
by iceferret (3.3k points)
There's your problem then, you need the full edition.
by sarhad12gmail-com (180 points)
just for logo my problem what the hell?
by lisa-west (35.1k points)

It seems you are using Standard edition of TemplateToaster. Please check our purchase page for the feature comparisons between Standard and Professional Edition. Please use Professional Edition of  TemplateToaster, You can switch edition from TemplateToaster settings menu.
Please Go to TemplateToaster -> File -> Settings -> Edition -> Select Professional Edition  from drop down.

After that to change the Menu logo navigation link  Go to TemplateToaster -> Menu -> Click on Menu logo -> Format Tab -> Add/Edit Link -> More Options popup is opened -> either set the Internal/External URL or select No link and save changes.

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