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in Wordpress Themes by sarhad12gmail-com (180 points)

I have downloaded the templateToaster_TT-7theme-0093 theme...  I tried to edit text in services and home page but it wouldnt allow me in wordpress and when i tried on the templatetoaster 7 it doesnt allow me to save without purchase? just editing text not whole theme so i dont see point of purchase can you help//

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

TemplateToaster offer unlimited product trial, in  trial version you can not save your projects for future editing, however you can export the templates to install them on your CMS. So, you can edit template pages from WordPress dashboard after installing and activation template. To edit pages at WordPress dashboard please follow the steps provided below:

Go To WordPress dashboard -> Pages -> Edit your required page.

by sarhad12gmail-com (180 points)
the theme is full of watermark like this and its not even like orignal theme what the hell free should mean free why the hassle?
by sarhad12gmail-com (180 points)
if you try to edit pages of this theme on wordpress it doesnt work at all doesnt show... shows blank page
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