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in Wordpress Themes by

I'm new to TemplateToaster and to WordPress, so my apologies if this is something simple.

I've happily managed to adjust the settings for Post Titles, both size and colour, but there doesn't appear to be a similar option for the Comments. You have the usual options for adjusting the Comment's main text, but nothing for the title that I can see. So when someone posts a comment on the blog the Comment title, in my case, is much bigger than the Post title.

Can someone point me in the right direction? When I look at the HTML code the Comment is bounded by a div with id = "comments" and then an h2 heading tag with id = "comments-title". Is there somewhere to edit the CSS for comments-title?

Thanks for any assistance.


2 Answers

by sarah (15.2k points)
Hi kirklands-law,

You have to change the font-size for the comment title so that it comes smaller than post title. You can accomplish this by adding custom css:

TemplateToaster -> File -> Preferences -> Custom Css
font-size:20px !important;
Hi Sarah

Thank you for your reply. I'd looked in there, but hadn't twigged about setting the CSS. Now I know the facilities there it will probably come in handy for other bits and pieces too.

Shouldn't there be a Typographic option in the Comments menu though? I would have thought that changing any heading that is part of the theme should be possible without resorting to hand coding. Indeed shouldn't every aspect of a theme be adjustable via menu options?

Happy, though, to know how and where that I can make these adjustments.

Thanks again!

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