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in Wordpress Themes by antluving (140 points)
When I add a slide to my slide show nothing appears that will allow me to actually add an image to the slide show . . . how do I accomplish this?


1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

TemplateToaster provide options to add background image as well as foreground image to slideshow.

To add background image to slideshow please follow the steps provided below.
Go To TemplateToaster -> Slideshow -> Background -> Images -> More images -> Ok .

To add Slideshow foreground image please follow the steps provided below.
Go To TemplateToaster -> Slideshow -> Foreground image-> Select image -> Ok.

by olupitandavid (140 points)
I know how to add through Templatetoaster. Is there a way to add pictures within the Joomla back-end. This would be great, seeing that I can add pictures to my website anywhere I am with course to the ttp.
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