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in Wordpress Themes by linski (120 points)

Dear reader,

I am trying to make a similar design with TT like www.tukhut.nl.
-- responsive,
-- 3 colums, left column shows menu
-- vertical menu in left column
-- one full-width top-banner (in desktop layout).

Regards, Piotr

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

Yes, you can easily create layout same as in http://www.tukhut.nl/  with TemplateToaster. To design responsive template as per your requirement please follow the steps provided below.

Go to TemplateToaster -> General -> Website Preferences -> Select Responsive layout checkbox.

Go to TemplateToaster -> Sidebar -> layout -> Select Left Right Sidebar.

Go to TemplateToaster -> Sidebar Menu -> Select Sidebar menu checkbox. After exporting and installing template at CMS end you can place sidebar menu widget at left position.

To have full width top banner please select Full width header with background image applied.

Go To TemplateToaster -> Header -> Layout -> Width -> Full Width.


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