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in Wordpress Themes by gendritzki (140 points)
edited by gendritzki


I created an WebsSite with TT based on SIMPLEX. My problem is, that the translation is not working correctly.

Especially when I Blog something....I get a "posted on" instead of "Veröffentlicht am".

I checked the files and identified, that there is an "templatetosater.pot" in the directory /wp-content/themes/XXXXXXXX/languages.

My questions are:

- How can I completely translate the Site into an other language? What I have to do / to modify?

- What is the reason for the templatetosater.pot (I did no typo...this comes from the Installation!)

Best regards, 



1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

TemplateToaster provide templatetosater.pot file within exported theme to make static string translated as per user's required language. You can edit the file with POT editor to make strings translated in your specific language.

For more detailed information regarding translating information please open a support ticket at http://templatetoaster.com/support

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