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in Wordpress Themes by
I have my WordPress theme set-up. I am using Slideshow on my index page. I see in the WordPress admin where I can add an image for a slideshow, but where do I add a link for each image?

2 Answers

Actually I don't see a way for a link to be added at all or the graphics can be edited from the wordpress admin. Is a slide show just something you enter once in Template Toaster and export? I need the client to be able to edit the slide show and add a link. Any workarounds?
by rob (200 points)
As far as I have seen trying to do what you are doing for a client, it's just not possible. I ended up installing a free slider plugin in wordpress and having the client use that. There are a bunch of free slider plugins out there, and some have better effects than the one template toaster has.
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