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in Wordpress Themes by mikati (780 points)
Hello, would somebody tell me how I could adjust the line height in lists? In mobile view my lists in the widget area look a bit crowded. How could I increase line height? Thanks, Katalin

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

TemplateToaster provides an option to apply line height as General as well as cells inside the content. Please follow the steps provided below to apply line height as General:
Go to TemplateToaster -> General -> Scheme -> Color and Typography -> Line Height -> set the required line height.
Please follow the steps provided below to apply line height on the cells inside the content:
Go to TemplateToaster -> Double Click on content -> 'Editor' Tab -> Paragraph -> Line Height -> Select Content and apply the line height.

by mikati (780 points)
Thank you Lisa, I will follow these instructions for my lists.

Best wishes, Katalin
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