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in Wordpress Themes by nilssonkim64 (240 points)
Is there a way to make an anchor link in wordpress on a regular page? Not in the blog itself.

3 Answers

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

TemplateToaster provides an option to apply hyperlink on the text within content for WordPress With Content. To achieve this, please follow the steps provided below:
Go to TemplateToaster -> Double click the content on which you want to apply link -> select Hyperlink in Editor tab -> Select external URL -> Add an external url -> Save

by nilssonkim64 (240 points)
Maybe I was unclear, sorry!

If I have a long page with a lot of text and want to link from the top to a caption further down the page .


As in this youtube



by lisa-west (35.1k points)

TemplateToaster does not provide an option for applying such link on the content which refers to another section of the same page. You need to modify the html code according to your requirement, For more help please open a support ticket: http://templatetoaster.com/support and our support team will guide you accordingly.

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