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in Wordpress Themes by kc_ga_fan (200 points)
edited by kc_ga_fan

I am having issues logging in on a Wordpress site I'm hosting myself on behalf of a client www.flyerband.ca


My hands are tied. The client demands and insists that this design be used and I had to set up a drag & drop editor for him as well. I also had issues with this same basic layout from artisteer which is why I recreated it with Template Toaster.


My version of Template Toaster is from January because I'm on the broke side, my license ran out and at the moment I'm not planning to renew it until the first stable version of 7 is released so I'm unable to use a more up to date version right now.


The regular login page is blank! I have other sites running Template Toaster designs but this is the only one with a problem.


 When I set debug to true I get the following errors:


Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; templatetoaster_custom_Menu has a deprecated constructor in /srv/disk8/2249418/www/flyerband.ca/wp-content/themes/flyer/custommenu.php on line 2

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; login_form has a deprecated constructor in /srv/disk8/2249418/www/flyerband.ca/wp-content/themes/flyer/loginform.php on line 2

1 Answer

by kc_ga_fan (200 points)
I have resolved this by adding a ? after the login url or putting in the signup url (signup is disabled but it let me login). If the client asks me about any of it I'll add a simple login form widget on a page.
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