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in Wordpress Themes by jaimepeterswriter (180 points)


I have a valid key and placed this into the TT7 beta.  It works but will not export.  It says it is exporting but doesn't.


What do I need to do?





2 Answers

by lifeok (1.4k points)
if you have TT6 File and open TT7 that is not work but you have makeing TT7 file there is export 1/10

wait for updating tool and do that time


go do support and say


try and try
by lisa-west (35.1k points)
Can you please ellaborate your issue that you are exporting your theme using scratch or from predesigned theme from TemplateToaster.
by jaimepeterswriter (180 points)
Hi, Lisa.

I did it from scratch.  I have version 6 but thought I'd try the beta.  It's not an issue.  You can close this.

many thanks,

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