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in Wordpress Themes by jason41 (380 points)
It's a common and popular style, full width header and footer, with a set page width for the content. TT allows us to set the header logo and menu to be page width when the menu is full width, but the footer doesn't. So if you're using widgets in the footer, they spread out full width and don't really look very good like that when the rest of content is aligned to the page width.

Can we get a real solution to this, an update that lets the content area of the footer be set to full width OR page width would be perfect.

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

Please open support ticket at : http://templatetoaster.com/support with all the details and screenshot. Our support team will provide you the solution of  issue.


by jwlewis777 (120 points)
I am also interested in this.
I have spent days trying to get my social icons widget to line up correctly in the header. So this question relates to what I am trying to do.

I created a custom widget area in header. Problem is, custom widgets don't have any align properties, so I can't tell the custom header widget to align to page-left. When window gets resized, the header elements just look horrible.

I have tried adding widgets above and below header as the next best thing, but I want the content inside the widgets to be able to align to page left or page right, top, bottom, etc.

Thanks for any help!
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