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in Wordpress Themes by jason41 (380 points)
I had downloaded an existing theme to use as a base and adjust, I just changed the logo and saved it to work on later.

When I tried to open it, it said the project was made with a newer version, would I like to update, so I updated as I was 1 version behind. Did that and tried to open it again and it still says the same error. If I click no to update, it doesn't open the theme, if I click update, I'm just back to the same TT version I just updated to.

The sample theme was the "welcome to our Cuisine" wordpress theme.

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

Please define your TemplateToaster version. You can view it from TemplateToaster -> File -> Activate
by jason41 (380 points)
The latest version.
by lisa-west (35.1k points)
Please open a ticket at support http://templatetoaster.com/support/ with your TTR file.
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