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in Wordpress Themes by johan-krab (220 points)
After creating a theme i try to install it fails because it misses the style.css.
Anyone know how this can happen?

12 Answers

Good question, I was about to open a service ticket for this exact same thing.

Everything worked fine until today. All of a sudden whenever I export a theme, I cannot load it into wordpress for this exact same error.
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Make sure you are exporting a WordPress theme not an HTML Website template or Joomla one, you can check your current loaded template type under General Tab.

Please attach your exported theme here if you still get the same issue.
by johan-krab (220 points)
i opened a ticket for this problem. until now i never succeded to install a theme in wordpress or a template in joomla. :cry:
That did it for me.

I went back to the General tab and even though the Wordpress logo was highlighted, I pressed it again and the little diskette icon changed colour, indicating a change had been made and I could save.

Saved, exported and loaded successfully.
by johan-krab (220 points)
i ntried it but didn't work for me.
still mkissing syle.css
Thats funny, cos i got the same error after the update.
now i have been able to create a number of themes previously.

only to try to upload a new theme i spent quite some time creating and i get this style sheet missing thingy.
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
We found this issue, fix should be available in new version most probably today or tomorrow.
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Please try installing the TemplateToaster 4.2 Beta: http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/beta/TemplateToaster.exe
Although I've installed TemplateToaster 4.2 Beta, I still get the same error: stylesheet is missing. How to solve this?
Anyone? I would really like this issue being solved.
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