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in Wordpress Themes by energised (120 points)
Hi there

I'm very interested in purchasing Template Toaster in order to build my own Wordpress themes from the ground up. At the moment I rely heavily on using the WP Bakery Visual Composer plugin for WordPress as this provides a really nice suite of page builder tools.

I've downloaded your demo version and built a basic theme. I've installed the WP Baker Visual Composer plugin. At first it looks like the Visual Composer plugin is working, however when you make changes to any page using the Visual Composer page builder, the changes are not saved when clicking update.

I know that the Visual Composer plugin is working fine as I've used it on loads of other themes. Would you be able to provide any insights to why this may not be working with the themes built with Template Toaster?

Many thanks

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

Please refer to your ticket on support.
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