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in Wordpress Themes by neader (240 points)
I have a left-aligned page-width menu.  When I enable Sticky Menu and scroll down, the menu becomes FULL SCREEN WIDTH (not page width) and since the menu is left-aligned, the menu options are to the FAR LEFT of the page, looking very strange there.

Is there a way to get the Sticky Menu to stay page-width, just like it is before it goes sticky?

- Scott

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

Please use custom CSS at TemplateToaster -> Geberal -> Editors -> CSS

nav#ttr_menu.navbar-fixed-top {
  left: auto;
  right: auto;
  width: 900px;(Please change your width according to your page width)
by neader (240 points)
Thanks, Lisa.  This worked perfectly!!

- Scott
by spellcast (160 points)
Hi, same problem here but this did not solve it. Any other advice would be very welcome. :-)
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