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in Wordpress Themes by a-c (480 points)

trying to insert a search box in my header, I've seen a couple of previous messages (http://templatetoaster.com/forum/586/search-box-inside-header etc.) but I'm not able to do it (i.e. I don't see " Module Position Tab" or etc.).

Is there a way to "automatically" insert a search box in my header (as I can easily insert the social media icons)?

All your suggestions will be more than welcome :)

Thank you in advance!

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

1) You can add search box  the header for this you need to use the customize options. Go to TemplateToaster ->Widget Areas ->  Draw Position -> Draw ->  Draw widget position in header location.

2) Go to Wordpress Admin -> Appearance -> Widget -> Drag Search widget -> Drop in draw position.
by a-c (480 points)
Thank you (hoping the search box will be included in the next version of TT) :)
by lisa-west (35.1k points)
I have forwarded this feature to the development team. If feasible, they would try to provide it in the next major update of TemplateToaster.
by a-c (480 points)
It would be great. Thank you!
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