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in Wordpress Themes by kim173 (320 points)

I have my page set up so that my header is the full width of the page (as you can see by the highlighted border) but my content is a fixed 800 pixels (transparent area below).  I would like to place my logo in the header so it resides in the far upper left hand corner however it only seems to be able to go as far left as the content left edge.  The embedded screen shot shows the limitations of how far left I can drag it.  How can I get it further over to the left so it is not over kids faces?  It should be noted that the kids are a background image and the header is transparent.

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

It seems you have set your logo alignment left to page, but you have to set logo horizontal left, go to TemplateToaster -> Click on your logo -> Alignment -> Horizontal Left.
by kim173 (320 points)
Please forgive my ingnorance but i have clicked on the logo...where is Alignment>Horizontal Left?  I can't find those options.
by benny (600 points)
Same question; Where is the allignment of the logo?
Second question: Why did you not answer this 2 month old question.
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