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in Wordpress Themes by imacsenglish (840 points)
Hi guys. I was messing around with the options in the content area and I can't seem to find how to change the color for the text which says "Paragraph, Input, CheckBox, Radio Button etc."

Perhaps I just overlooked it. Does anyone know where to find it? Any help is appreciated. Thanks a lot.

4 Answers

by imacsenglish (840 points)
Does anyone know what I mean or did I do a shitty job of explaining myself?
by n52 (300 points)
Hi imacsenglish,

You might want to check the 'elements' tab in the menu on the top.

Best regards,

by imacsenglish (840 points)
Hi imacsenglish,

You might want to check the 'elements' tab in the menu on the top.

Best regards,


Thanks for your suggestion Camiel, however I didn't find anything under the elements tab that would change what I'm trying to change. I took a screenshot just to show you guys what I mean.


You see "Paragraph, input etc." I would like to change that text to a darker color. I bought TT like a week ago so I still don't know how to manage all the details. Does anyone know how to specifically change the color of that text. Or does it not even matter once you plug your template into WP? Please let me know and thanks in advance for the help guys. Cheers.

by james (5.3k points)

You can change 'Paragraph Text color' from 'Content->Content->Typography->Paragraph->Color'.
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