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in Wordpress Themes by anthom (160 points)
edited by anthom
Looking to create dynamic widgets rather than the fixed width wigets that seem to be default with TT.

When I say dynamic I mean to say, for example;

There are 4 widget positions in a row, if one widget is used it occupies 1/4 width, 2 widgets = two 1/4's with the other half fd the row remaining empty. What I'd like to happen is for the two widgets to recognise that only half of the page is used and fill the row, hope this makes sense?

A colleague tells me that this functionality is quite a basic feature for wordpress and that most premium themes have this enabled, any idea how to implement?

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

As, TemplateToaster provides the feature to set the width of the column and Cell of PositionBar, please follow given steps:

1) Go to TemplateToaster -> Widget Areas -> PositionBar -> Add position Bar(+) ->  Column(1) .

2) Widget Areas -> Position Cell -> Add cell(+) -> Width (4)

3) Same for two more cell.
by anthom (160 points)
Great answer, will re read later as I found it a little confusing, lol my brain hurts :)
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