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in Wordpress Themes by excalibur (560 points)
okay maybe I'm just being impatient but I posted a question here on Thursday and I still haven't got any replies! Does template toaster moderate these forums and answer questions?

3 Answers

by 2ninerniner2 (1.2k points)
If you need answers quicker, why not contact support directly?
by gatorjack (640 points)
I've noticed that the forums don't appear to be very active/responsive. I've only been using TT for a couple weeks now. If I have any issues, mainly if I notice bugs, I just report them via the helpdesk. Helpdesk response time is usually less than 24 hours. It would be nice to see a more active community though.
by n52 (300 points)
I totally agree on that one ;)
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