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in Wordpress Themes by glo (200 points)
edited by glo

I understand that without enough content on a WP page that there can be white space under the footer.

It looks very unprofessional and I need help on how to make the footer at bottom of  content depending on how much content is on the page and not to "think" the page is longer than it really is, then dumping white space at the end.  There must be some way to tweak the CSS to tell it to just shorten the page length if there is like only one paragraph.

I am a novice with code so please if you are going to tell me to edit code, state exactly what folder and what line and exactly what to edit/change where.  



1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

To remove white space under footer, go to TemplateToaster ->  Footer -> Layout -> Check on Sticky footer.
asked Jan 29, 2017 in Joomla Templates by service24 (140 points) remove white space under footer
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