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in Wordpress Themes by cassy1 (660 points)
I have tried every setting in the image background options and the page looks fine but will go blurred when the page is re-sized or viewed on mobile. But it wasn't like this before the update.
What is the cause of this? I have tried repeat x and y and fill and uniform, uniform to fill. it works on full page view on computer but looks bad when view on smaller browser. Why doesn't the background re size with the page?... I have tried to look at the CSS and changed on or few settings and no change was made on the page regarding the background image.

This happens only with the header.... I think i'll have to find a way to place the header inside the page like other columns, i don't seem to find a way to do it inside TT.

1 Answer

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Can you please provide a screenshot showing the issue
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