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in Wordpress Themes by tony (160 points)
My sidebar does not  appear empty when the sidebar is in fact empty ...help

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

In TemplateToaster, there is by default sidebar has sidebar menu, search and calendar widgets. If you want to remove default sidebar widgets, go to Wordpress Admin-> Appearance -> Widgets -> Drag any widget to the sidebar widget.
by parma (100 points)
That is not the solution. I need only a second menu on some pages. I want no sidebar on the other pages.  That is now impossible. On pages without a second vertical menu i got now those unwanted widgets. Why not an empty sidebar from TT?
by lisa-west (35.1k points)
Please open support ticket with all the details : http://templatetoaster.com/support . Our support team will provide you the solution of  issue.
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