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in Wordpress Themes by tom20 (140 points)
Since I the slideshow doesnt appear to function properly, I decided to try to add my own slideshow from a plugin, and use a shortcode. I see that there is preset shortcodes in Wordpress under Theme Options, but nothing where I can add my own shortcode, or to be able to add it to replace TT's slideshow. This is a problem for me, as my clients use slideshows.

Can I add my own shortcode macro? Can I use one for a slideshow plugin?

1 Answer

by sarah (15.2k points)

You can use your own slideshow shortocode at Wordpress admin -> Appearance -> Widgets. If you want to edit your shortcode in theme php file for example header.php, then you can use do_shortcode() function. Please refer to https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/do_shortcode/
by tom20 (140 points)

I cannot select the widgets for the slideshow since I turned off the slideshow in the TTR file. If I turn it on, they show up, but I have the slideshow with TTR. Do I just put it in the widget in WP anyway?
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