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in Wordpress Themes by serg-it (160 points)
recently bought the program, there was a choice between artister and templatetoaster, well, faced with the problem of adaptation for mobile devices, it is very terrible, all the images jump !!! general flexibility settings for mobile devices no ((((  

very few opportunities, I am still very disappointed with the purchase of (( the program of your competitor, was much richer in functionality for setting, very concerned mobile adaptation, when I will change for the better ??

and about the Russian, too, do not forget !!!

translated Google translator, for errors in translation sorry ! (

1 Answer

by sarah (15.2k points)

TemplateToaster provides you the option to set each control individually for the three views, Desktop, Tablet and Mobile. You can find these views in TemplateToaster -> Desktop, Tablet and Mobile at bottom left corner.
by serg-it (160 points)
edited by serg-it
Thank you! I understand the problem.

Please add in the WIDJETS -> Container -> Background settings so you can customize the background texture, now we can only gradient. There is no possibility in Header to choose (header, tagline) - Colour - gradient!! please add.

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