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in Wordpress Themes by adi-bali999 (180 points)

How to update themes in my wordpress site, if I already used Wordpress with content?

Example : If I already used Wordpress With content and upload to my site. How To update themes if I want to change something in my themes? I knew that I must open my project again at Template Toaster >>> Change something (not content) >>> Save project >>>Export  (Do I must export Wordpress with content or change to Just Wordpress "IF I just want a few change at same style theme)

Do I must Export with content again or just export Wordpress (without content)? Because I just want to change themes (same themes but with another correction (like change style of footer, color background, etc) not content at frontpage.

How to do this without affect the content that has been uploaded?



1 Answer

by sarah (15.2k points)

You do not need to import content again with the same theme, if there are corrections to header, footer, menu and slideshow like change style of footer, color background, etc
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