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in Wordpress Themes by kenneth (640 points)
edited by kenneth
Hi, I have a question regarding buttons in TemplateToaster. Im working on wordpress+content template
I am trying to put in 2 different styles of buttons(They look differently), but i noticed that only 1style of buttons can be produced throughout the page.

So for now, could I just leave the 2 different buttons on the page(currently both of it is having the same look).

Thereafter I export the template into a zip file, edit the CSS of that button? If so, I would like to ask where is that particular css code located.

It would also be ok if i can use an Image as a button?

This is quite important as im am going to have several different buttons with different looks throughout the whole template site(wordpress  + Content)

Thanks !

2 Answers

by sarah (15.2k points)
selected by kenneth
Best answer

TemplateToaster provides six different styles of button. These are Default, Primary, Success, Danger, Info, Warning. So When you add button on template site(wordpress  + Content), it asks for style and size. TemplateToaster -> Double click over content area -> Editor -> Button -> Style and size.
by kenneth (640 points)
Thanks sarah! This was what i was looking for!
by helder (100 points)
I created 2 different buttons in Templatetoaster; btn-default and btn-primary. Both don't display properly when when used in a module position (joomla). The first button; btn-default - the border and text should be white in color, on hover both text and border should become black. For the second button; btn-primary - the border and text should be red, on hover both text and border should become black as well. None of the buttons display well in a joomla module. How can I fix this? Link (currently working on: http://www.ibieducation.in
by kenneth (640 points)
well i managed to use a custom image as a button in wordpress,

by adding the image(button image) to the media library wordpress and using it as a Image custom link url
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