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in Wordpress Themes by kenneth (640 points)
edited by kenneth
So i have a dillema, I need to add a child page under a main page but with the symbol @ in its Name.

Something (example) like (MainPage)"Beautiful Mansion" >(Child Page)"Beautiful Mansion @ The Bay"

Am i able to do this somehow? Am i able to do this by some custom css later on?

1 Answer

by sarah (15.2k points)
selected by kenneth
Best answer

Currently, the use of special characters are restricted, while adding and renaming the page. However, you can get out of this dilemma by following given steps :

1) In TemplateToaster, create page like (MainPage)"Beautiful Mansion"  and then add (Child Page)"Beautiful Mansion The Bay".

2) After exporting and uploading the theme to wordpress admin, go to Appearance -> Menus -> Select 'TT_Menu' -> Edit sub-item 'Beautiful Mansion The Bay' -> Navigation label -> rename it as 'Beautiful Mansion @ The Bay' -> Save
by kenneth (640 points)
Thank you sarah!
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