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in Wordpress Themes by mark85 (180 points)
In Wordpress Appearance...Widgets, I have selected Hide on all apart from the Home/Front page. My widget created in TemplateToaster appears on the Home page as required, but also appears on each product page. How can I stop this?

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)
Hello, Would you please provide the link of the website having this issue.
by mark85 (180 points)
by lisa-west (35.1k points)
To set it, please add the following custom css, at TemplateToaster -> Editors -> CSS
body.single-product .ttr_banner_header_inner_below0 {
    display: none;
by mark85 (180 points)
edited by mark85
All working now. Thank you for your help
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