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in Wordpress Themes by dunne-lewis (120 points)
hi first post ....

spent 2 hours designing a theme from scratch and saved it only to open

up the software and its not showing in recent open templates///

and not any where to be found on my laptop to open up the saved file

even though i created a new folder just for saved templates and saved it in

to that folder.......  anyone else have this problem....

1 Answer

by sarah (15.2k points)

Please share your TemplateToaster version. You can view it from TemplateToaster -> File -> Activation.
by dunne-lewis (120 points)
sorry forgot to add it..  its
by sarah (15.2k points)

Please follow the given steps:

1) Disable your firewall and Antivirus.
2) Now, Deactivate your TemplateToaster and re-activate it again.

If still issue persists, contact us back.
by dunne-lewis (120 points)
have just tried that and did not work..

turned off my internet security and windows firewall dacivated the software and re activated it shut it down and restarted the software and still does not save

windows version
vista home basic service pack 2
by sarah (15.2k points)

There seems to some issue. Please contact us through Live chat support.
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