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in Wordpress Themes by defstm14 (400 points)
Hello. I'm using WordPress & Instant WordPress for development purposes. I updated Instant WordPress but I'm having problems with the DashBoard / Theme Option tabs. The Option tabs are stuck on scroll with full length page instead of individual pages. I used an earlier Version of Instant WordPress and the tabs operated properly.  I checked TT6 for updates and it showed there was an update for TT6 Newest WordPress update. It was an error update fix, but did nothing to fix the Theme Option tabs. I'm pretty sure Instant WordPress is working properly, Perhaps A better update, or a setting that I haven't found on TT6?  Help ! LOL

1 Answer

by sarah (15.2k points)

Please define your TemplateToaster version, TemplateToaster -> File -> Activate and Wordpress version.
by defstm14 (400 points)
by sarah (15.2k points)
The issue has been resolved in the latest build TemplateToaster You can download latest version from http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/TemplateToaster.exe
by andrey (120 points)
I have a similar problem. Version
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