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in Wordpress Themes by cassy1 (660 points)
I purchased a Professional Edition license of this program 2 days ago.
I don't know if it's only me, but this program is too slow most of the times... it takes ages to load on a little task sometimes. But i am getting most of the features i expected from it.

My main problem now is to fix the 404 error page... every other page shows well except it.
When ever the 404 page is loaded, the sidebar and the main content will go crazy, showing this ~tt between the sidebar and main content column.
How can i fix this? even as a pro user i have edited my CSS prefix to something else instead of the tt prefix....
[ img ]

Have you experienced this before? if not, try going to unavailable directory on your website and see if it happens on your 404 error page.
I didn't expect to go back in the code to fix anything after buying the pro license.

Another problem is, why is it that nothing else follow along in the header with the responsive view on mobile except the logo?


2 Answers

by james (5.3k points)

1. Please open a support ticket at http://templatetoaster.com/support with the exported template and the URL to your website.

2. Please check 'Show In Mobile View' from 'Header->Header Position'.
by cassy1 (660 points)
Just want to let you know that after doing the update today and tested the 404 page, the problem is gone.
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