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in Wordpress Themes by mark85 (180 points)
I have created a responsive Wordpress theme with 2 1 column full page width widgets, 1 at under the header for a slider, and 1 above the footer for some logos. Both widget areas shrink to less than the page width when I reduce the browser window. The widget area above the footer snaps down to about half the page width and the one below the header shrinks to about 20px less than the width of the header. If I increase the browser window to almost full screen, both widget areas resize correctly to match the page width.

1 Answer

by sarah (15.2k points)

Please make sure that you have set the Widget-Area width to 12 for Tablet. You can check it at TemplateToaster -> Tablet (bottom left corner) -> Widget area -> Position Cell -> Width -> 12
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