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in Wordpress Themes by babamonkey (300 points)


1st .. sticky menu .. wooohooo ..... but ....

i got a little problem .. or lets say Templatetoaster got a little problem.

I want to have a menu inside a slide show and i want to have the menu sticky and the background transparent - so far no problem... 
So everything looks perfect until i scroll down .. then the menu sticks to the top .. with a white background .. also the menu sticks to the right side, but i just want it in the top center - no movement to the right - and and i want the background in a different color ..like black or something, so i could still read my menu.

Sticky menu without borders (was marked when i took the sreenshot)

Menu went to the right side .. also background is not transparent like it was before

Btw.. image crop still not working .. (not sure if it ever worked before) ...  
Also image fallback color never worked .. at least not for wordpress ...

Thank you for your help.

Nico Müller

1 Answer

by sarah (15.2k points)

We are working on the issue of sticky menu background color on scroll, for the time-being please use the following custom css at TemplateToaster -> General -> Css

.navbar-fixed-top {

    background-color: hsl(0, 0%, 50%);


To crop the background image, please set the zoom 100%.

For menu items alignment and fallback color issue, please open a ticket at support http://templatetoaster.com/support with the ttr file.
by babamonkey (300 points)
Thank you for the quick answer.

Its working :) also Crop with 100% zoom .. thx
by babamonkey (300 points)
Sorry i got another question again.
Will it be possible to also configure the sticky menu in a future version of TT. I would like to set the position of the H-Menu or could you me tell me how to or which extra CSS code i have to use to config it.

.. and yes sorry i'm a CSS noob .. thats why i'm using TT and .. some other similar program.
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