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in Joomla Templates by dave134 (240 points)
Not sure if it is because I have a Joomla 3.2 site but I cannot upload the new template, I get "There was an error uploading this file to the server". (Other files/modules etc go are loaded fine)

11 Answers

by dave134 (240 points)
I also tried the manual upload method but when I click Discover nothing is found.
by optivisioninc (140 points)
Maybe check the file upload size limit set on your server/PHP settings. I just installed Joomla 3.2 and uploaded a few templates from TemplateToaster with no issues.
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Not sure if it is because I have a Joomla 3.2 site but I cannot upload the new template, I get "There was an error uploading this file to the server". (Other files/modules etc go are loaded fine)

Please open a support ticket and provide us your exported template there: http://templatetoaster.com/support
I'm having the same issue. It appears the templates created in TT are not compatible with the newest stable version of Joomla (Joomla 3.2).
I cannot access the template files such as css or html in the backend of any of my joomla websites, if I already had the TT template uploaded into the websites before updating Joomla 3.2, and cannot upload any TT templates after updating to joomla 3.2. When will this be fixed? This is not a Joomla issue this is definitely a TT issue.
Just to be clear, I meant that i cannot access the html or css files of my TT templates in the backend of joomla.
by james (5.3k points)

Its working fine at our end, so please open a support ticket at http://templatetoaster.com/support with admin credentials to your website.
by allan (220 points)
How about giving a phone number to your support line so these issues can be dealt with over the phone instead of giving you private information to our websites? I would never give you administrative privileges considering the type of support I've already received "It's working fine on our end". I would hope that your product works on your end, however it appears that your customers do all your BETA testing for you without even knowing it.
Obviously Template Toaster is not fully compatible with Joomla 3.2. I cannot access any of the CSS, HTML, or any other files of the TT template in the back end. It just causes my browser to load and load with a blank screen when i try to access the files, then crashes my browser and my computer. I cannot access the CSS, HTML or any other files in my hosting account CPanel either so this is a Template Toaster issue
I uninstalled J 3.2 and installed J 3.1.5 and I can access the problems no problem.
by dave134 (240 points)
Just a note - my problem was resolved, it was a file upload permissions problem rather than a template one. Loading the template from a URL worked.
by chal4oye (140 points)
It appears the templates created in TT are not compatible with the newest stable version of Joomla (Joomla 3.2).
I cannot access the template files such as css or html in the backend of any of my joomla websites, if I already had the TT template uploaded into the websites before updating Joomla 3.2, and cannot upload any TT templates after updating to joomla 3.2. When will this be fixed? This is not a Joomla issue this is definitely a TT issue.
I just started designing my first template for a client that is going to be running 3.2 joomla, when i uploaded the template, installed it just fine, but it looks different, footer color gradient i had on it is now just solid color. the headings changed to different color in content. how many other bugs i dont know yet but its frustrating at the least. please 3.2 compatibility please.
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