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in Drupal Themes by keith (180 points)

Hi, I’m having an issue with buttons created in Editor. Button Size, position and header colour all are inconsistent throughout the device range. No changes were made outside of the TT workspace in any files related to this.

• As you can see from the attached image, the buttons are one size in Tablet workspace view but enlarge when output to Responsive Layout (RL) Tab Landscape/Portrait view.

• In addition, the button positioning changes relative to the header background. In Tab RL Landscape view, buttons shift left and in Tab RL Portrait they shift right so that it is impossible to correctly position them for both views.

• The button header text, for some reason, changes from white to blue in some views and in some browsers. Blue was never selected for any text and the colour white is implicitly selected in all device views. This had been rechecked a number of times.

Image 1 is how it was designed in Tablet View.  This same design renders oddly as images 2 & 3.

2 Answers

by lisa-west (35.1k points)
Hi, These issue have been resolved in the next build of TemplateToaster, which we will update very soon.
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

We have solved the issue in latest build( You can download latest version from http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/TemplateToaster.exe


TemplateToaster Support
by keith (180 points)
edited by keith
You certainly sorted the blue header text and unwanted resizing of buttons but there is still significant unwanted relative shifting of the buttons in the three views and when the desktop browser is resized the buttons move back and forth relative to the header image.  Can this be resolved also?

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