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in Wordpress Themes by defind (140 points)
Theme export does not work in this version. Is there a reason?

Working with Windows 10 - 64 bits

2 Answers

by sarah (15.2k points)

Please define your TemplateToaster Beta version. You can check it here, TemplateToaster -> File -> Activation
by mamboweb (180 points)
Got the same problem. Also windows 10-64 bit.

I do have a full license pro. version
by sarah (15.2k points)

Please try to use the latest version of TemplateToaster . You can download it from http://templatetoaster.com/download
by mamboweb (180 points)
Problem was solved by removing TT6 and also the older versions (4 and 5).
After reinstalling TT6 it was working perfect.
(this all with the perfect support from the TT suport team)
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