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in Wordpress Themes by johnmac (180 points)

I am using the version 6 beta.  I select the pre installed template and export it.  I bring it into Wordpress and it looks like this



What happened to the rest of the objects that were in the template?  It did not include 90% of what was in the template and then duplicated the postings.




1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

Thank you for using TemplateToaster Beta 6. WordPress Content Import feature allows you to import the content of the website( including Pages, Widgets, Menu settings etc.)

It seems there are some widgets in content above Widget area. If you don't want to show these widgets then you can remove them from the WordPress Admin Dashboard-> Appearance -> Widgets -> remove widgets from CAWidgetArea00 and CAWidgetArea01.

If still the problem prevails contact us back. Moreover, You can download the latest Beta version of TemplateToaster from here: http://templatetoaster.com/download
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