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in Wordpress Themes by parham (120 points)

I just want to remove the main page slideshow from my other pages but there is no option for removing it. I also want to add a different slideshow (with different height and content) in other pages but there is no option for it. Please help me.

Thank you in advance

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

To remove the main page Slideshow, uncheck the slideshow check box and check it on the Pages you want to show it, at TemplateToaster -> Slideshow -> Slideshow(top left corner).

You can create the different slideshow with different content, height, width etc, for PageTemplates in TemplateToaster.
by parham (120 points)
Thank you dear Lisa for your answer.
As TemplateToaster generates a single theme for the whole website (not for each page) it is not possible to uncheck slideshow for one page and enable it for another.
If I uncheck the slideshow checkbox, the slideshow will be eliminate from the whole website.
Also there is only one option for the slideshow of the generated theme and it is not possible to create a separate slideshow for each page.
Any solutions?
Thank you :)
by lisa-west (35.1k points)

TemplateToaster provides the option to enable/disable slideshow for the particular page.Like if you want to disable slideshow only for contact page then ,At TemplateToaster -> Pagelist -> Click on contact page -> Click on  slideshow -> Slideshow tab will open -> Uncheck the slideshow at the top left corner ,the slideshow will be disabled only for contact page.
by richerdh (120 points)
One solution is to create a different theme for each page in template toaster and then in joomla use the theme as default on the page you want the slideshow to appear.
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