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in Magento Themes by
Hi There

just been trying out TT and it's pretty good, so far the only software I have found to create a template for Magento.
the docs for installation fo the theme are a little bare, and I'm not an expert with Magento,

so let me get this straight

1.you export as a .zip
2.you upload that zip to your root dir
4.leave the files as they are or move them into place to replace existing directories? app, skin ?

I have another template I want to keep running too is that possible?
I tried to select my new theme using the admin area of Magento by filling in the blank areas of the design page with the name of my new template and my CSS has broken

Not sure how to go back...help please ?

I'm working locally so no site to show, sorry
Thanks for your time


6 Answers

OK I got my site back, I took a copy of the site files and it returned to normal once I reinstalled my copy.
But, I'm still a bit in the dark...

I think the name of the file is important , no spaces.......
I didn't really think about that when I created it in TT, but on export it's important that the name is web friendly right?
otherwise the template will just break
by 2ninerniner2 (1.2k points)
When ever doing anything that is somehow eventually going to end up on the web, and especially served up by a Linux-based server (which the vast majority of them use), the rules of thumb are:

1) lower case ONLY
2) NO spaces; use an underscore if you need to separate terms

The reason being is that Linux is case-sensitive and that to Linux, the following are completely discreet entities:

My Cool Pic.jpg
my cool pic.jpg
My Cool Pic.jpg
my_cool_pic.jpg (this is the preferred method)

If you have ever noticed, in a URL the %20 characters between "words", that is the ASCII code for a space :)
Thanks for your reply

Yes I am 100% aware that for anything web based it's ( generally ) lower case and of course no spaces, but it's not normal to have to do this when naming a file on your local computer.

Normally if I'm using software to generate a web based template/app I would expect my final file name to named correctly using the correct naming conventions for the system I am working in ie: removing spaces and forcing lower case if the template is to be web based.

Unfortunately, this still doesn't answer my question of how to go about installing the final mag template, as the files generated have the same name as the default mag template files, so will overwrite them.... probably causing more grief...I don't know.

Magento has a very deep folder structure so going into each folder and looking through manually is not something I want to get into, this is the whole point of a template generating program is it not?

I am experimenting, and I don't know Magento too well, so here goes......but if anyone with experience of Magento and TT ( maybe one of the TT devs ) could give me a quick run down on the installation of the final template I would really appreciate it, it would save me ( and others lot's of ) time.
by bruce741 (140 points)
Normally if I'm using software to generate a web based template/app I would expect my final file name to named correctly using the correct naming conventions for the system I am working in ie: removing spaces and forcing lower case if the template is to be web based.
by rukhsana (140 points)
When i make a design in TT for magento the Products GRID never shows as it should be, I selected shadows and radious and when i upload my design or preview it, its always worst than my design inside the program, you guys need to correct these export bugs.
by james (5.3k points)

Please open a support ticket at http://templatetoaster.com/support with the exported template, the .ttr file and the URL to your website.
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