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in Issues/Bugs by
Issue: Titles don't appear in the articles listing

There is a bug in the content.php file.

At the beginning of this file, there is this condition to display the title or not:

<?php $var = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ttr_post_title',true);
if($var == 'true') // Test to display the title

However, on an already existing site, the post meta was never set for existing articles. So the title is not displayed because $var is null.

By changing the condition to:
if($var != 'false'):?>

it works fine.

Thank you for this superb update, and keep up the great work!


2 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

We have solved the issue in latest build( You can download latest version from http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/TemplateToaster.exe

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