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in Wordpress Themes by johnmac (180 points)

I am trying out the trial version.  I just grabbed a template and changed some color etc and then exported it.  I added the theme to Wordpress and everything is what I expected except there are two identical columns and I am not sure where they are being added.  Any help is appreciated.



1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

Please refer your Ticket #434743 and provide the ttr file and url of the website.
by johnmac (180 points)
Ticket #434743 - I did a search for *.ttr and it did not find any file with that extension.  I am running a local site for testing so I can't send you the URL
by lisa-west (35.1k points)

Please refer ticket #434743 ,Solution has been sent there.And in trial version you can not save the ttr ,so export the ttr as a folder and send it to at support : http://templatetoaster.com/support/
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