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in Issues/Bugs by 2ninerniner2 (1.2k points)
The responsive menu overlays the content when displaying the additional menu items on "mobile" (iPhone in my case). Not only does it look unprofessional, it makes it difficult to make a menu selection.

My suggestion is to have it like "the others guys" have it, in that each additional menu item has it's own "line" and bounding box and pushes the content down when displayed.

This is one area that, IMHO, needs improvement quickly in order for TT to become a serious contender in it's amazing advance over "them" :-)

5 Answers

by cyberben3d (820 points)
I agree with the previous commenter. The menu items on mobile should be full width boxes that push the content down (when the menu is expanded). Redoing sites for improved mobile compatibility drives a lot of my business so any improvement in that area will be greatly appreciated. :)
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Thanks, this feature is planned for the next major TemplateToaster release.
by harvix (140 points)
Thanks, this feature is planned for the next major TemplateToaster release.

??? 2014 and problem still exists
by shadab-kamal (140 points)
The responsive menu overlays the content when displaying the additional menu items on "mobile" (iPhone in my case). Not only does it look unprofessional, it makes it difficult to make a menu selection.

My suggestion is to have it like "the others guys" have it, in that each additional menu item has it's own "line" and bounding box and pushes the content down when displayed.

This is one area that, IMHO, needs improvement quickly in order for TT to become a serious contender in it's amazing advance over "them" :-) :roll: :geek: :ugeek:
by sarah (15.2k points)
Now TemplateToaster5 provides the Hamburger menu for responsive view. Please check the given link ./index.php?qa=673&qa_1= for TemplateToaster5 features.
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