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in Wordpress Themes by hall-torstein (500 points)
I'm sorry to bomb you with questions, but as I have to finish the project I'm working on I'm at it again... ;)
When I insert a Unordered List into my pages , there are no bullets etc. at the start of the each new li element. I have searched for the settings in TT, but I'm not able to find it. So where do I set the bullet in lists?

5 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
If possible please list here the web page URL where we can see the issue.
by hall-torstein (500 points)
I did edit the themplae CSS file so now there are bullets on the page. This is not so elegant as the next version of my work in progress will overwrite that, so I would really want to know where to set the Bullets in TT.

Anyway here are the link to the page: http://sctech.dk.linux1.host1.dk/wp/
by keithadv (1.4k points)
The bullet selection dialogue is in an unexpected place.

It's under the Content tab, in the box marked "Content," in the pull-down menu under the little layout icon. You can set bullets and line-height there. I'm not sure why those items are separate from the rest of the typography. I wouldn't be surprised if that changes as they continually refine their UI, but you never can tell!

As I've already noted, I do hope they look at the bullet options at some point. There should be many more than the six TT currently has, and should include all the traditional bullets--hyphen, circle, square, none of which TT has. I wouldn't put it first on the priority list, but it's something they should look at at some point.
by hall-torstein (500 points)
Thanks Keith!

...and of course all the different standard bullets should be in there. I guess I change it in the end when I have finished all the other issues in my project.
by keithadv (1.4k points)
I just noticed there appears to be a small bug in the UI.

Save your project. Exit TT. Reload TT. Reload your project.
Go to Content->Content->(layout icon)-Bullets. The bullet you selected previously will no longer appear to be selected. However, as far as I can tell, it still is. FYI.
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