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in Wordpress Themes by hall-torstein (500 points)
When I'm defining a new page themplate , it looks like I only can edit the layout. The rest of the functions are greyed out. Why?

7 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

Currently only layout can be edited for page templates.

TemplateToaster Support
by hall-torstein (500 points)
So it is only the standar 'index' that can be edited?
At the moment I'm having one extra page and I'm not able to do much with it, exept to turn on sidebars...
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Please note that "Page" and "Page Template" are two separate things in WordPress.

Page: You need to add pages from your Wordpress admin.
Page Template: You can design as many "Page Templates" as you need in TemplateToaster but currently only layout editing is supported for additional page templates. A "page template" can be applied to a page from WordPress admin for different/unique layout.
by hall-torstein (500 points)
Thanks a lot for a fast and clare answer.

I do know the difference between a page and a page themplate and hope it will be possible to do more editing of additional page themplates in TT later.
by newsnotion (300 points)
One thing I have noticed is that if you change a feature on the index template, you have to save and reopen the template for the changes to take effect in the other page templates.

Example: Removing the 'Sidebar Menu' from your index template, if you go to another page template it is still there and the option to remove it is grayed out. Once I saved and reopened the template it then recognized I did not have a sidebar menu in the index and removed it.
by hall-torstein (500 points)
Because it is possible with different layout on the extra page I would not expect it to change automatically. But of course the layout should selectable and not greyed out.
In fact I managed somehow to get a sidebar from the extra page on top of my index page. Looked really stupid. Later on TT would not export and I had to delete the extra page totally from my design before TT worked right again.
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

We have solved the issue in latest build( You can download latest version from http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/TemplateToaster.exe

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